USFCR Verified Vendor

Law Enforcement

California Emergency Medical Services and P.O.S.T (Specific)

Tactical First Aid/Tactical Emergency Medical Support (TEMS) First Responder Operational (FRO)

Training Hours: 8 hours

Tactical LifeSaver / TEMS Technician level

Training Hours: 40 hours.

Course Approval: California EMS Authority.

Tactical Medicine for Special Operations Course

Training Hours: 80 hours

Tactical Medicine for Special Operations Course 40 hours + SWAT School

Course approval by: P.O.S.T/EMSA Approved

National Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) classes

Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) is developed by the U.S. Department of Defense, Defense Health Agency (DHA) Joint Trauma System (JTS) to teach evidence-based, life-saving techniques and strategies for providing the best trauma care on the battlefield. NAEMT conducts TCCC courses as specified by the DHA-JTS. NAEMT currently offers three types of TCCC courses.

TCCC-ASM (TCCC All Service Members – Tier 1) is a 7-hour course for all service members.

TCCC-CLS (TCCC Combat Lifesaver – Tier 2) is a 40-hour course for non-medical military personnel deploying in support of combat operations.

TCCC-CMC (TCCC Combat Medic/Corpsman – Tier 3)* is a 63-hour course for military medical personnel including medics, corpsmen and pararescue personnel deploying in support of combat operations.

The foundational medical science upon which TCCC is based is published in NAEMT’s PHTLS Military textbook in which the military chapters are written by members of the JTS Committee on TCCC. TCCC courses offered by NAEMT are endorsed by the Joint Trauma System and the American College of Surgeons. NAEMT’s TCCC-CMC and TCCC-CLS courses are accredited by CAPCE and recognized by NREMT.

American Nurses Credentialling Provider*TCCC-CMC: This nursing continuing professional development activity was approved by the Emergency Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation to award 63 contact hours for TCCC-CMC.

Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC)

Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC) 16 hours

Hot Zone/Direct Threat Care that is rendered while under attack or in adverse conditions.

Warm Zone/Indirect Threat Care that is rendered while the threat has been suppressed but may resurface at any point.

Cold Zone/Evacuation Care that is rendered while the casualty is being evacuated from the incident site.

Basic skills: Hemorrhage control tourniquet application, MARCH assessment;Surgical airway control and needle decompression;Strategies for treating wounded responders in threatening environments;Caring for pediatric patients; Techniques for dragging and carrying victims to safety; andA final, mass-casualty/active shooter event simulation.

Refresher Course: 8-hour course for individuals who have successfully completed the 16-hour TECC provider course within the past four years. Current TECC provider certificate required. Upon successful completion of the course, students receive a certificate of completion and 8 hours of CAPCE credit.

NAEMT’s TCCC courses are taught by a global network of experienced, well-trained instructors. To support training centers, instructors and students, NAEMT maintains a network of affiliate faculty both in the U.S. and internationally, and staff at its Headquarters Office.

For more details on class content please visit the appropriate web sites below